The violin section is part of a long tradition that began with the famous Hungarian pedagogue Oskar Back, who studied with Eugène Ysaÿe. Carl Flesch has also been a teacher at the Amsterdam institute. Herman Krebbers and Davina van Wely followed in Oskar Back's footsteps and have trained renowned students for years.
Section representative: Kees Koelmans
Kees Koelmanssection representative
Vera Beths principal subject
Peter Brunt principal subject
Ilya Grubert principal subject
Eliot Lawson principal subject
Maria Milstein principal subject
Mathieu van Bellen principal subject
Tjeerd Top principal subject
David Peralta Alegre orchestra training
Wiesje Miedema methodology
Tim Kliphuis improvisation
Admission requirements
Audition candidates will be selected on the basis of a video recording to be submitted digitally via the application form. Recordings must be received by February 1st at the latest.
Audition repertoire
- part from an etude by for example Rode, Dont of Wieniawski
- part from a solo sonata or partita by J.S. Bach
- part from a concerto by Mozart or Haydn
- part from a concerto by Bruch, Mendelssohn, Wieniawski (or another concerto of the same level of difficulty) or a performance piece, for example Bloch (Nigun), Saint-Saëns (Havanaise) or Tchaikovsky (Souvenir d'un lieu cher)
- part from a sonata by Mozart, Beethoven or Brahms
Pre-selection (video recording): record a diverse selection of maximum 15 minutes from the abovementioned repertoire.
Live audition: prepare the abovementioned pieces, from which the jury will make a selection at the exam.
Admission requirements
Audition candidates will be selected on the basis of a video recording to be submitted digitally via the application form. Recordings must be received by February 1st at the latest.
Audition repertoire
- fugue or chaconne by Bach
- first movement from a concerto by Mozart
- a movement from a grand solo concerto or virtuoso performance piece
- a sonata or other chamber music piece
Pre-selection (video recording): record a diverse selection of maximum 15 minutes from the abovementioned repertoire.
Live audition: candidates must submit a proposal for a performance of maximum duration of 60 minutes based on the abovementioned repertoire. At least one piece should be played from memory.