Creative Performance Lab
Creative Performance Lab (CPL) is a two-year master profile for students who aim to develop and perform their own interdisciplinary productions. Through intensive collaboration within a team of students you create several performances in both master years, crossing the borders between disciplines such as music, theater, dance, video and live electronics. While your own principal subject serves as the basis, you are challenged to work in disciplines and artistic areas that may be new to you, and you are strongly encouraged to bring any skills you may have inside and outside the musical realm, such as improvising, acting, dancing, writing or videography. With the help of special guest coaches you explore such skills, bring them to an operational level and apply them to your productions.
An essential aspect of CPL is that the creative process takes place in a group setting. You learn to combine your own ideas with those of the others in the group, in order to develop a coherent and high-quality production. You support each other and offer constructive feedback. This way you create a unique product, resulting from the creative input of the entire group.
The CPL course generally consists of four projects a year, each resulting in one or more performances, and a number of so-called bootcamp sessions, focusing on repertoire and context, production and PR, and specific knowledge and skills related to the projects. The content of the CPL productions is largely determined by the input and interests of the participating students. Throughout the process, specialized coaches help you to collectively develop and realize the performances. You learn to approach creation processes on a conceptual level, and to develop, implement and communicate the theme of each project. You are also coached in performance-specific skills, and in the productional and organizational aspects of the productions.
In the course of the two master years the productions tend to increase in scale. Some are performed at an external location and promoted externally.
Creative Performance Lab is designed for curious and creative students who are willing to collaborate intensively in a group setting, with the social responsibilities that come with it, and who are interested in strengthening skills outside the field of the principal subject. The profile demands involvement throughout the entire creation process, from the concept development to rehearsing, production and performance.
- All students who have been admitted to the CvA master's degree programme can apply for CPL.
- In the first week of the new academic year we will schedule an interview with you. We will talk about your motivation and fields of interest, and assess if CPL is indeed the best choice for you. Subsequently you will be informed if you can be placed in the course.
CPL Team
Arnold Marinissen
Jaco Benckhuijsen
Jorge Isaac
Guest teachers
Romain Bischoff
Ria Marks
Sebo Bakker
Gerhard Staebler
Kunsu Shim
Arnoud Noordegraaf
Dagmar Slagmolen
Samir Calixto
Marcel Wierckx
Karina Kroft
Kenzo Kusuda
and others
Principal subject instrument: 50
Creative Performance Lab: 30
Research: 10
- mandatory: Building a Successful Professional Practice: 10
- other electives: 10
Individual credits: 10
Head of Classical Music