
The first thing the recorder generally brings to mind is its role in preliminary music education. However, over the past forty years, a widespread interest in early music and new developments in contemporary repertoire have created a completely new dimension for the instrument. It is chiefly these aspects of the recorder repertoire that have attracted a great deal of attention on international concert podia. Together with renewed educational possibilities for the instrument, these aspects pose a challenge to up and coming recorder players. Since a great deal of focus is placed on the in-depth study of contemporary literature in addition to the exploration of early music repertoire, considerable flexibility and resourcefulness are demanded of the recorder player.


Jorge Isaac section representative, principal subject
Hester Groenleerprincipal subject
t.b.a. history of the recorder

If your love of the instrument is so intense that you have decided to enrol in a professional educational or performance programme, its generally lacklustre image will be irrelevant to you. You have decided to push your boundaries and you believe in the future of the recorder.  If you want to take on that challenge, enrolling in or completing a study programme at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam may well be the right decision for you.

The Block System: guarantee for an all-round study
The ‘BLOK’ (block), founded in the nineteen seventies by Walter van Hauwe and Kees Boeke, exerted an immediate appeal on recorder students everywhere and has meanwhile established a firm reputation among recorder players both in the Netherlands and abroad. It comprises  a unique and wide-ranging teaching programme that makes for a thorough, all-round study of the instrument.

Recorder students and alumni play in The Royal Wind Music.
