Department of Strings

With 150 students the string department plays a prominent part at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. The faculty organises masterclasses given by internationally renowned guest teachers, such as Thomas Brandis, Philippe Graffin, Yuzuko Horigome, Isabelle van Keulen, Rudolf Koelman, Mark Lubotsky, Rachel Podger, Silvia Rosenberg and Gerhard Schulz. Orchestral training and chamber music form a regular part of the curriculum. Students are taking part in a wide variety of orchestral and ensemble projects as well as special string projects.

There are numerous links with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra (NedPho). Master's degree students can audition for the Concertgebouw Orchestra Academy or the NedPho Academy, where they will receive special training by orchestra members and participate in a number of concerts. One of the highlights is the biennial Oskar Back Competition, in which many students participate. Additionally, workshops are given by well-known violin- and bowmakers, such as Johan Jacobs and Andreas Grütter.

Head of Strings: Kees Koelmans

Section representatives

Mathieu van Bellen violin
Sven Arne Tepl viola
Maarten Mostert cello
Olivier Thiery double bass

Principal Subjects
