Bachelor's Degree in Composition
In the bachelor's programme, students develop their compositional talents. The student's own work is central to this: whatever style or genre you want to compose in, the curriculum is aimed at broadening and deepening your qualities and skills.
Students receive weekly individual composition lessons from two teachers. In these lessons you will discuss your compositions with the teacher. These can be free compositions, but also composition projects organized for the bachelor students. These might include compositions for instruments from other departments of the CvA, compositions for ensemble or orchestra, compositions for a dance performance with the SNDO, a musical with students of the Contemporary Music Theatre Academy or making a production with students of the Amsterdam Electronic Music Academy.
In the first two years the bachelor’s programme, the emphasis is on the basic skills of composition in its broadest sense. The four core courses are:
- Fundamentals
- Music Production
- Electronic Music
- Instrumentation
In the third and fourth years of study, the curriculum becomes more tailored to the student's individual needs and focus. In addition to composing and working on composition projects, you can choose from a diverse range of electives, such as:
- Live Electronics
- Composition Film Music
- Advanced Rhythm
- Virtual Orchestration
- Transdisciplinary Approaches: Composing Time and Space.
- Musical Texture
Final Exam
The final exam includes a performance of the student's work at the Composers' Festival Amsterdam and an oral exam.
Admission Requirements
Students are required to submit, before February 1st, the following material:
1. a motivation letter (pdf)
2. a digital portfolio with three projects:
- audio (mp3). Max. 10 MB per file.
- description of the works (pdf)
- representation (pdf) (optional) (screenshots, scores, documentation, etc. Max 10 MB per file.
- link to additional info (optional) (videos, photos, patches, code, etc.)