On Sunday, 1 October, the television programme Pointer will focus on inappropriate conduct in the classical music world. Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CvA) is participating in this episode in light of two past instances of inappropriate conduct.
The CvA finds it important to cooperate on this episode because we want to be transparent about past incidents and aim to contribute to awareness surrounding social safety in conservatories and the music world.
Social safety is a high priority at the CvA. We engage in dialogue about the necessity of social safety through educational training, performance reviews, and team sessions. We are also participating in the pilot "Handreiking meldingen van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag" ("Guidance on reporting sexual inappropriate conduct") initiated by the Hamer Commission and are working to improve the visibility of confidential advisors, rules, and codes of conduct. Through special meetings for students within and outside the curriculum, we aim to lower the threshold for reporting unsafe situations and empower students to set their own boundaries. For more information on social safety within the CvA and the AHK, please visit https://www.ahk.nl/en/facilities/student-affairs/social-safety/.
We are deeply concerned that there have been situations in the past where boundaries were crossed. We invite former students and staff members who have experienced inappropriate conduct or an unsafe situation at the CvA and wish to discuss it, to share their experiences with us. Those wishing to speak with the CvA management can email cva-secretariaat@ahk.nl, and we will get in touch promptly. If you prefer to (initially) speak with a confidential advisor, please direct your inquiries for more information to meldpunt@ahk.nl.