Marieke Naus (Miss Starling)
What were you able to develop during your master programme?
‘I studied songwriting in my bachelor studies and now I’m studying vocals in my master’s. So I’m learning a lot of new techniques as well. I was also able to develop my act on stage in a unique way. The way the teachers, mentors and other students cheer you on, gave me a lot more confidence in myself and my act.'
How has this influenced your career?
‘Well, I’ve grown a lot. I found the right people who help me bring my vision to life. And I won the Amsterdamse Popprijs 2024!!’
Why would you recommend musicians/artists to pursue the CvA Pop master programme?
‘I would recommend the master’s programme for every musician with the bigger goals and dreams. You get a lot of individual attention/care and you can form your master programme in a way that fits you.’
Can you share a specific moment from your master programme that has stayed with you?
‘I think my favourite moments are the moments I see my classmates perform. Every time they blow me away with their talent and creativity. I also really love the moments when we celebrate each other's achievements.’