Developing Creativity

Learning Objective
In this course students learn to recognize creativity as a distinct domain that merits their attention. They will be facilitated to consciously develop their creative potential as part of their studies.

Course Content
This course provides students with insight into the nature of creativity. It challenges students to identify their creative potential and to design strategies to develop their creative potential more consciously and fully.
After thematizing creativity as a distinct concern for contemporary makers, the course unfolds as a practical guide to creative development that includes aspects of finding, documenting, training and strategizing creativity. Additionally, it looks into the particular challenges of being creative under performance (time) pressure, as well as into ways to amplify one's creative work in the world at large.

Course Details

teacher Sander van Maas
term January-April 2025, Monday 15.00-16.30h
method of instruction Lectures, guest lectures, assignments, field work and student presentations
literature Literature reflecting recent creativity research in the arts and beyond will be made available online
assessment Assessment will be based on presentations, short written reflections and a final paper.
credits 5
related electivesFreedom and Improvisation
  Patterns of Performance: The Neuroscience of Improving Experts