KOSLOVSKY, John, en SCHUIJER, Michiel, red. (in voorbereiding)
Music Performance Encounters: Collaborations and Confrontations. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
LANGEMANN, Michael (in voorbereiding)
Instrumentation. Lilienthal: Laaber Verlag.
VAN DE LEUR, Walter (2023)
Jazz and Death: Reception, Rituals and Representations. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
IJZERMAN, Job (2018)
Harmony, Counterpoint, Partimento: A new Method Inspired by Old Masters. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
EISENHARDT, Lex (2015)
Italian Guitar Music of the Seventeenth Century: Battuto and Pizzicato. Rochester: University of Rochester Press.
REINA, Rafael (2015), Applying Karnatic Rhythmical Techniques to Western Music. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
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SCHUIJER, Michiel (2015)
'Music Theorists and Societies', Music Theory & Analysis 2/2, pp. 129-155
WENTZ, Jed, and Michiel Schuijer, eds. (2015)
Dance and the Dutch Republic, European Drama and Performance Studies 2015/1. Paris: Classiques Garnier