Luc Nijs: The Music Paint Machine

Starting from a specific view on the musician‐instrument relationship, Luc Nijs will elaborate on the importance of the embodied music cognition paradigm for instrumental music teaching and learning, focusing on the different levels of embodiment. His view will be exemplified by his work with the Music Paint Machine, an interactive music educational technology that allows a musician to make a digital painting by moving in various ways while playing a musical instrument.
After this introduction (20min), attendees of the session can try‐out the system (Please bring your instrument! The singing voice is also welcome!). This hands‐on experience will be the starting point of a discussion on embodiment and music education, and on the role of movement‐based interactive educational technologies.

Luc Nijs

Dr. Luc Nijs is postdoctoral researcher at IPEM (Ghent University, Belgium), guest lecturer in Music Educational Technology at the Royal Conservatory The Hague and Luca School of Arts Leuven, and clarinet/sax teacher. He holds MA degrees in Music Performance (clarinet) and Philosophy, a Teacher Certificate (clarinet, sax, ensemble playing), and a PhD in Arts Sciences (Systematic Musicology). His research concerns the musician-instrument relationship, the learning processes involved in the establishment of this relationship and the possible role of technology in provoking an embodied approach to instrumental music teaching and learning. His work with the Music Paint Machine was awarded the EAPRIL Best Research and Practice Project Award 2012. He is a regular invited speaker on music educational seminars and member of the advisory board of the Flemish Ministry of Education.
