Disclosing the Virtual Through Music
Marcel Cobussen
My presentation will – explicitly or implicitly – address the following topics, issues, concepts, and persons: music (for sure); Martin Heidegger; veritas; alterity; historically informed performance practices; winter in Europe (but only in the past, more specifically 1967); the virtual; Johannes Brahms (probably not really); jazz; everyday sounds; aletheia (count on it); Gilles Deleuze; “Footprints”; the actual; artistic research; Johannes Leertouwer (of course); heterogeneity; public urban spaces; sound art; truth; history; Miles Davis; experimentation and exploration; otherness
Marcel Cobussen is Full Professor of Auditory Culture and Music Philosophy at Leiden University (the Netherlands). He studied jazz piano at the Conservatory of Rotterdam and Art and Cultural Studies at Erasmus University, Rotterdam (the Netherlands).
Cobussen is author of several books, among them Engaging With Everyday Sounds(OBP 2022), The Field of Musical Improvisation (LUP 2017), Music and Ethics (Ashgate 2012/Routledge 2017, co-author Nanette Nielsen), and Thresholds. Rethinking Spirituality Through Music (Ashgate 2008). He is editor-in-chief of the open access online Journal of Sonic Studies (www.sonicstudies.org). His PhD dissertation Deconstruction in Music (Erasmus University Rotterdam 2002) is presented as an online website located at www.deconstruction-in-music.com.