Hij kreeg de prijs voor zijn masteronderzoek ‘Towards a Genealogy of Dynamics: The Structural dimension of Dynamics and Tempo Modifications in Performance’. Hij is daarmee de derde CvA-student in vier jaar die deze prijs wint; eerdere CvA-winnaars waren Daan Kortekaas (2014) en Kaja Draksler (2013). Christos studeerde afgelopen zomer af aan de masteropleiding piano klassiek. Afgelopen zaterdag, 19 november, nam hij tijdens het EPTA-congres in Ede de prijs in ontvangst.
Enkele citaten uit het juryrapport:
‘The aim of the research is to examine and expand Heinrich Schenker’s axiom that dynamics are organized according to the deep musical structure of a piece instead of being superficial additions. Along theoretical lines it is argued that dynamics and tempo modifications should be treated as interrelated and that only a flexible musical analysis can be valuable for performance.’
‘The jury values greatly the choice of this subject where analysis and performance meet. The thesis proves to be intellectually rewarding and inspiring ... Deep thought on several musical examples and theoretical concepts, like the meaning of a dynamic swell, is coupled to references to aural examples of great masters on the piano, which strengthens the reasoning.’