Technique list

1. Avezzo a vivere (from Vaccai - metodo pratico)
2. Caro mio ben (by Giordani: one of the famous arie antiche)
3. Down by the salley gardens (English folksong; eventually in the arrangement by B. Britten)
4. Hör ich das Liedchen klingen in g minor or e minor (Schumann)

Backing tracks for Caro mio ben
In C:
In D:
In Eb:
In F:

Backing tracks for Down by the Sally Gardens
In D:
In F#:  
In Db:
In B: *)

There are no backing tracks for the other two songs.

*) Please note that the accompaniment of Down by the Sally Gardens in B is not of the best quality. It is included because it is of importance to us that you as an applicant have several options in choosing a comfortable key. 
