Bass Guitar

This section provides training in all styles with elements of improvisation available for this relatively young instrument: from the early years with blues, jazz, rock, latin, soul, funk and fusion to comtemporary  styles including electronic jazz, rhythmically advanced jazz and contemporary music. The course aims to train students to become creative all-round bass guitarists with a personal style and awareness of the traditions.


In addition to teachers David de Marez Oyens, Lené te Voortwis, Jeroen Vierdag, Phaedra Kwant, and Glenn Gaddum Jr., such guest teachers as Gary Willis, Jeff Berlin, Tim Lefevbre, Dominique DiPiazza, Reggie Washington, and Kai Eckhardt also contribute considerably to the course.

Co-ordinator: David de Marez Oyens


About the bass guitar entrance exam

Please contact David de Marz Oyens at if you still have any questions or if you want performance feedback. Please note, in order to receive feedback you must have applied for the entrance exam. We hope this makes it easier to prepare for the entrance exam. Good luck.

The bass guitar faculty
