Early Music Course (EMC) – Biannual Cycle

This class is organized in eight sessions of three hours each, spread over the academic year. It is a mandatory class for Bachelor 2 and 3 students of the HIP department. The sessions are devoted to absolute core topics within Historical Informed Performance (HIP) for music composed between ca.1480 and ca.1820, such as: Tuning, Temperament and Pitch Standards; Ornamentation, Improvisation and Style Awareness; Rhetoric and Affections; Instrumentation, Orchestration and Ensemble Set-up; Tempo and Meter. The course contents is distributed over two academic years during each of which half of the contents is treated. United in one group, Bachelor 2 and 3 students thus pass through a biannual course cycle. Each year terminates with an oral exam. Class attendance is highly recommended.

course details

Duration of the course
Eight sessions of three hours each, spread over the academic year

Peter Van Heyghen (main teacher)
Rachel Farr (Baroque dance)
Jed Wentz (Baroque gestures)

Each year terminates with an oral exam. Class attendance is highly recommended.

NB: lessons are taught in English.
