Master Degree: Répétiteurship

The master degree programme répétiteurship educates students for the profession of répétiteur. Central to this programme is the development of piano accompaniment in duos, combined with the role of coach. Students learn to work in a wide variety of fields, such as a répétiteurship with opera houses, choirs, at competitions, and within educational facilities. In addition, the programme includes the basics of a freelance practice. The student also works on an individual basis on developing instrumental and interpretative skills. Admission requirements are a bachelor degree in piano, demonstrable chamber music talent, and sufficient communicative and didactic skills.

The répétiteurship programme is based on actual practice and consists mainly of an internship with the teacher and the co-répétiteur. The student first chooses between two programmes: vocal or instrumental. Although similar, these two programmes are essentially different, preparing students for the specific characteristics of either the vocal or instrumental répétiteurship.

During the first year, the programme concentrates on a wide range of repertoire; in the second year students may specialize in a specific direction. An important part of the programme is the research project, during which a subject related to répétiteurship will be explored.
