
The role of the piano and its extensive and richly varied repertoire place this instrument at the heart of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. The Bachelor’s piano programme offers a dynamic environment encouraging students to develop themselves into versatile musicians who rank excellently by international standards. Many alumni of the piano section at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam are prize winners of international competitions and leading national and international pianists.

The piano department is strongly embedded in the Department of Keyboard Instruments, which in addition to piano includes the principal subjects of organ, fortepiano, harpsichord and clavichord. In addition to repertoire classes in "historical keyboard instruments," students can take individual subsidiary subjects in the other keyboard instruments. Students also develop knowledge and skills in playing all these keyboard instruments through projects.


Frank van de Laar section representative, principal subject
Naum Grubert principal subject
David Kuyken  principal subject
Frank Peters principal subject
Hanna Shybayeva principal subject
Ralph van Raat contemporary music
Olga Pashchenko period keyboard instruments
Marc Pauwels methodology
Robert Kulek Lieder class

Excellent International Teachers
Our highly qualified and diverse teaching staff guarantees a study programme that covers all aspects of the repertoire. Through team teaching students can follow lessons with all teachers at the department, in addition to individual piano lessons. Moreover, each year internationally renowned pianists and educators are invited to the Conservatory. In recent years we have been honoured with masterclasses by Ferenc Rados, Robert Levin, Dmitri Bashkirov, Enrico Pace, and Murray Perahia.
