New Perspectives on Music Pedagogy

Learning Objective
This course provides new perspectives on music pedagogy. The course aims to:

  • critically reflect on new pedagogical concepts, ideas and approaches;
  • acknowledge the influence of sociocultural contexts in music making and music teaching;
  • merge artistic practice with educational and pedagogical strategies.

Course description
Due to new developments within the field of educational theory, psychology/pedagogy (i.e. self-efficacy theory and positive psychology) and embodied cognition, it is time to rethink existing music education models, specifically when it comes to music classes in informal educational settings such as community practices. Traditional music classes are mostly product-based and take a rather mechanistic approach to music training. In our course we take a different stance towards music education: learning is student-centred and process-based.

In this elective we will introduce new perspectives on music pedagogy:

  1. perspectives from embodied cognition: the role of the body in teaching and learning strategies;
  2. open-ended problem-solving strategies that promote self-regulation and reflections skills (i.e. teaching strategies that foster a creative environment);
  3. experiential modes of learning, such as composition, improvisation and authentic music making;
  4. including informal music learning strategies within formal teaching settings;
  5. the performer-teacher dilemma

This course is open for musicians as well as music educators, since we start from the assumption that teaching and learning is an intrinsic part of any human life.

Course details

teacher Reinhard Findenegg
term March-June 2025
method of instruction Reading, critical discussion and reflective engagement will form the basis of the sessions.
readings Bremmer, M., & Nijs, L. 'Embodiment in Music Education’. Journal de recherche en éducations artistiques 13/2 (2024), 15-26. <link>
  Green, L., Music, Informal Learning and the School: A New Classroom Pedagogy. Farham: Routledge, 2008.
  Kaschub, M., & Smith, J., Minds on Music. Lanham, MD: R&L Education, 2009.
  Schiavio, A., Maes, P-J., & Van der Schyff, D., ‘The Dynamics of Musical Participation’. Musicae Scientiae 26/3 (2021), pp. 1-23. <link>
  Vella, R., ‘Introduction: Being What You Teach’, in: R. Vella (Ed.), Artist-Teachers in Context: International Dialogues. Rotterdam: Sense, 2016.
assessment Based on attendance, presentation in class, and final assessment
participation Optional for all master students
credits 5
related electives Music for an Inclusive Society
  Intercultural Engagements in Music Composition and Performance