Generating Music with AI Algorithms

Learning Objective
Understanding fundamental concepts of generative music systems and computational creativity, developing skills for implementing these, and reflecting critically on the results.

Course Content
This course introduces students to the principles and techniques of algorithmic composition and computational creativity. The course consists of theoretical lectures, practical assignments, and a final project. First, students will become familiar with different ways of representing music, such as symbolic formats and audio signals. Second, we will delve into methods of generating music, such as Markov Chains, Genetic Algorithms, Generative Grammars, and Neural Networks. Third, we will discuss philosophical and ethical considerations: can an AI be regarded as truly creative, or even an autonomous artist? In the final part of the course, students will incorporate algorithmic methods in their own individual projects.

Course Details

teacher Atser Damsma
term January-April 2025
participation Optional for all master students; programming experience is recommended
method of instruction Group lessons (weekly), individual coaching
literature A reader will be provided
assessment Presentation and individual assignments
credits 5
related electivesElectronic Music
  Technological Strategies in Performing and Composing