Research Talks

In 2024, the Music Research Division will start a series of events at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam entitled ‘Research Talks’. The events will take place every two months in the library on the 9th floor 

With this series, the offers Music Research Division a platform to the growing number of teacher-researchers at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam: (associate) lectors, teachers who are in a PhD trajectory, are working on a short-term research project or on one of the joint projects of the AHK research groups. The Research Talks also offer the opportunity to propose ideas for new research or to draw attention to special projects by students and alumni. Personal experiences with doing research can also be shared, positive as well as less positive experiences. Each edition will feature two speakers who will present their projects, or one project that will be highlighted by several speakers (possibly also external ones).

Everyone is welcome, especially those who - stimulated by their involvement in the research of their students or colleagues, or by their participation in the reading circle - are considering developing a new project in the foreseeable future. 

This year’s editions are:

* Playing live with AI, by AtserDamsma and Marcel Wierckx
* The Parameter Approach, by Reinier Baas
* The philosophy of improvisation, by Joris Roelofs 
* Post-instrumental practice, by Maya Verlaak 
* Post-human Education,  by Carolien Hermans and Jonathan Szegedi 

Dates and times will be announced on MyAHK.
