Managing your Talents

August 29 and 30 2013, the Conservatorium van Amsterdam will host the international conference Managing your Talents - Interdisciplinary Research on the Performing Arts.

This conference makes for a unique gathering of people whose expertise will be called upon to achieve a new standard of educational excellence in the performing arts. It is a must-go for those who are involved with music, dance or theatre, and who seek to share their interest with researchers from a broad range of disciplines, such as performing arts pedagogy, medicine, neuropsychology, brain and cognition sciences, and human movement sciences.

The conference will mark a new partnership between De Theaterschool, Conservatorium van Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam, and VU University. These four institutions aim to share their knowledge in the field of the artistic disciplines and the pedagogical, biomedical and cognitive sciences with a view to strengthen the education and guidance of performing artists. The development of a common research agenda is of vital importance to a sector in which extraordinary tasks have to be accomplished under the public gaze. Conservatories and dance academies, but also orchestras and theatre companies will benefit from this research.

The conference will serve as a first joint exploration. The programme is structured around four themes:

* Talent
* Excellence
* Practicing
* (Over)load

Read more about the programme

The main language during the conference will be English.


Keynote lectures will be given by Daniel Levitin (Professor of psychology and behavioural neuroscience, McGill University, Montréal), and Henkjan Honing (Professor of Music Cognition, University of Amsterdam).

Other speakers at this conference include Eckart Altenmüller (music and medicine), Erik Scherder (neuropsychology), Susan Hallam (music psychology and education), and Jacques van Rossum (human movement sciences). The participants will also see examples of teaching and training practices at professional art schools.

Updates on the programme will follow at intervals.

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