Cas Schutte, an alumnus of the bachelor Music in Education programme at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, won an AHK Eindwerkprijs on January 23! This annual award for the best graduation project provides a platform for a new generation of talented creators. Cas won in the Bachelor category with a project entitled Vox Omnes.
Vox Omnes: a Non-binary Chamber Choir
Cas established a classical chamber choir without traditional voice sections, aiming to challenge the gender-binary classifications within classical choirsand to conduct artistic research into the relationship between vocal groups and gender identity. The jury of the AHK Eindwerkprijs was impressed: "Creator Cas Schutte formed a classical chamber choir without vocal sections. With a fresh perspective, they challenge centuries-old traditions within classical music around the theme of binarity, seeking a new language. An innovative and unconventional project, providing a remarkable foundation for a non-binary approach in classical music. A foundation that is equally relevant to music education as to the performance practice of classical music."