Mart. J. Lürsen Prize for Aljoscha Ristow

Photo by Guy Houben

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CvA alumnus and teacher Aljoscha Ristow has won the Mart. J. Lürsen Prize of the Society for Music Theory. The Lürsen Prize is awarded to a graduating student who has written an outstanding music theory thesis. Aljoscha graduated cum laude from the CvA's master programme in Theory of Music with a thesis entitled From Fundamental Bass Theory to Symmetrical Systems: On the Role of Enharmonicism in the Music of Rameau, Wagner, and Ravel. The prize jury praised the thesis for ‘its thorough documentation and careful use of sources, its clear overview of the evolution of the concept of enharmonicism in the 18th and 19th centuries, and its interesting discussions of well-chosen musical excerpts.’ In addition to prize money, Aljoscha will receive an invitation to present his research at a conference or symposium of the Society for Music Theory.
