The Kersjesprijs, an amount of 50.000 euros, is awarded every year by the Kersjes Fund to exceptional chamber music talent in the Netherlands. The members of the Dudok Quartet are Judith van Driel, violin; Marleen Wester, violin; Lotte de Vries, viola; and David Faber, cello; all Conservatorium van Amsterdam alumni. In 2013 the quartet graduated from the Netherlands String Quartet Academy with the highest distinction.
The grant for conductors has been awarded by the Kersjes Fund to three young conductors: Huba Hollóköi, Konradin Herzog en MaNOj Kamps will each receive € 5000,- to be put towards their studies and career. Huba Hollóköi and Konradin Herzog are studying at the National Master of Music in Orchestral Conducting, a joint effort undertaken bij the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague.
Amatis Pianotrio wins Kersjes Award 2018