8th Amsterdam Hindemith Viola Festival
Founder of the Amsterdam Viola Festival is Nobuko Imai, who is a distinguished teacher at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. This time our very special guests are Aart Jan van der Pol (chairman of the competition) and our jury members, the violists Garth Knox, Lilli Maijala and Louise Lansdown! Violinmaker Ritz Iwata will give a lecture on the history of the viola and viola making and recordist Walter van Hauwe will give a lecture on Bach and the meaning of the sixteenth in Bach's music. On a daily basis there are masterclasses and concerts by our guests and by our own CvA teachers: Nobuko Imai, Sven Arne Tepl, Francien Schatborn and Marjolein Dispa. One of the highlights this year is Nobuko Imai's wonderful idea to put a spotlight on the composer Paul Hindemith. Many of his viola solo pieces, sonatas and chamber music works will be played this week. One of the other highlights of the festival is the event on November 27th, when the festival moves to Splendor, in cooperation with the Dutch Viola Society. All prize winners will play in the evening concert and young viola groups from the CvA will present themselves. There will also be the possibility to improvise together for those who like to!
20-27 November 2021
Please note: due to the new Covid-19 measures which came into force on 13 November, the concerts and masterclasses at the CvA cannot be attended live. The concerts and the final of the Viola Competition will be streamed live at www.consam.nl/live.
Saturday 20 November
11.30-21.00h Bernard Haitinzaal
National Viola Competition first round
Sunday 21 November
13.00-17.15h Bernard Haitinkzaal
National Viola Competition second round
Monday 22 November
12.30-13.30h Sweelinckzaal - livestream
lunch concert by Nobuki Imai, viola, and Martijn Willers, piano
Wednesday 24 November
9.45-10.45h Bernard Haitinkzaal - livestream
lecture by Louise Lansdown
The history of Paul Hindemith and his music
11.00h Bernard Haitinkzaal - livestream
Hindemith Concert 1
- Nobuko Imai, viola / Martijn Willers, piano
Trauermusik, for string orchestra with solo viola (1936), arrangement for viola and piano by Hindemith - Fiachra de hOra, viola / Martijn Willers, piano
Meditation, no. 8 from “Nobilissima Visione” (1938), for viola and piano - Sabine Wüthrich, soprano / Hector Perez Mena, oboe/ Anuschka Cidlinsky, viola / Bernardo Calvet Nabais, cello
The Serenades, small cantata after romantic texts, op. 35 (1924) for soprano, oboe, viola and cello - Pauli Paananen, violin / Lisanne Clignett, violin / Ida Weidner, viola / Eneiva Lapa, cello
Minimax “repertory for military music” (1923) for string quartet movements 3, 4, 5, 6 - Dagmar Korbar, viola / Ramon van Engelenhoven, piano
Sonata for viola and piano in F major, op. 11 no. 4 (1919)
15.00h Bernard Haitinkzaal - livestream
Hindemith Concert 2
- Nobuko Imai & Anuschka Pedano, viola / Ruth Bosboom & Elin Haver, viola / Louise Lansdown & Sunniva Skaug, viola / Ana Castro & Elisa Misas Santin & Teresa da Silveira Caleiro, viola
Hindemith – Kanonische Variationen for 2 violins (1931), transcribed for violas - CvA students / Louise Lansdown & Nobuko Imai, viola
Bartók - violin duos, transcribed for violas Commissioned by Erich Doflein - Louise Lansdown, viola / Elise Tossens, flute
Duo for Flute and Viola (approx. 1930 at Yale University) - Sophia Faltas, mezzo / Elise Tossens, flute / Sophie Schreurs, clarinet / Louisa Strynckx Rocha, violin / Stephanie van Duijn, violin /Elin Haver, viola / Emma Warmelink, cello
Die Junge Magd, op. 23b (1922) - Minna Svedberg Feldtmann, viola / Felix Lashmar, double bass
Musikalisches Blumengärtlein und Leyptziger Allerley (1927), Parodie für Klarinette und Kontrabass, transcribed for viola and double bass - Seamus Hickey, viola / Seán Morgan-Rooney, piano
Viola Sonata IPH 172 for viola and piano (1939)
20.00h Bernard Haitinkzaal - livestream
Hindemith Concert 3
- Esther Kuiper, voice / Carlos Delgado Antequera, viola / Elinor David-Larsen, viola / Berta García Sanz, cello / Gabriel Rodero, cello
Des Todes Tod op. 23a (1922)
Three songs to poems of Eduard Reinacher for female voice with accompaniment of two violas and two cellos - Duleen van Gunsteren, viola / Daniel Kramer, piano
Sonata for viola and piano op. 25 no. 4 (1922) - Francien Schatborn, viola / Marjolein Dispa, viola / Judith Wijzenbeek, viola
Schulwerk für Instrumental-Zusammenspiel, op. 44 no. 2: 8 Kanons, transcribed for 3 violas - Hawijch Elders, violin / Takehiro Konoe, viola 1 / Francesca Wiersma, viola 2 / Tom Feltgen, cello / Sasha Witteveen, double bass / Rosa Torres Serra, clarinet / Hugo Freitas, horn / Maria Losada, bassoon
Oktett (1958), for violin, 2 violas, cello, double bass, clarinet, horn and bassoon
Thursday 25 November
11.00h Sweelinckzaal - livestream
Hindemith Concert 4
- José Nunes, viola
Sonata IPH 185, for solo viola (1937) - Sophia Faltas, mezzo / Zuzanna Skowronska, violin / Karina Sosnowska, violin / Giulia Wechsler, viola / Diana Sanz Pascual, cello
Melancholie, op. 13 (1917)
Four songs for female voice and string quartet after poems by Christian Morgenstern - Lilian Haug, viola / Mafalda Oliveira, saxophone / Noriko Yabe, piano
Trio op. 47, for piano, viola and Heckelphone (1928), arranged for piano, viola and saxophone - Alkistis Misouli, viola 1 / Annemarie Hensens, viola 2 /Lorenzo Titolo Duchini, viola 3 / Diego Pineda, cello
Frankenstein’s Monstre Repertoire, IPH 79 (1938) for cello and piano, arranged for string quartet - Davita Laseur, violin / Armen Nazarian, viola / Daniele Lorefice, cello
String Trio no.1, op. 34 (1924)
15.00h Sweelinckzaal - livestream
Hindemith Concert 5
- Gabriel Ariza Ureta, violin/ Felicia Bao, violin / Arina Kuchmina, viola / Krystina Koulchinska, cello
Minimax “repertory for military music” (1923) for string quartet movements 1,
Armeemarsch 606; 2, Ouverture zu ‘Wasserdichter und Vogelbauer’ - Rita Proença, viola / Bernardo Calvet Nabais, cello
Duet IPH 37, for Viola and Cello (1934) - Lara Albesano, viola / Daniel Kramer, piano / Blanca Sánchez, cartoon projector operator
A Frog he Went A-Courting (1941)
Variations on an Old-English Nursery Song, originally for violoncello and piano - João Abreu, viola (movement 1) / Takehiro Konoe, viola
Sonata for solo viola, op. 31 no. 4 (1923) - Jules Monnier, viola / Peter Lacković Heckelphone / Noriko Yabe, piano
Trio op. 47, for piano, viola and Heckelphone (1928) - Kerttu Keinänen, clarinet / Maria Kouznetsova, violin / Ernst Jan Vos, violin / Shih-Hsien Tsai, viola / Sheng-Chiun Lin, cello
Clarinet Quintet op. 30 (second version, 1954)
19.30h Sweelinckzaal - livestream
Hindemith Concert 6
- Hokusai Quartet: Manuel de Almeida Ferrer, violin / Diane Cesaro, violin / Javier Rodas, violin / Jan van der Plas, cello
String Quartet no. 4, op. 22 (1921) - Francisca Galante, viola / Constance Pharoah, viola
Sonata for solo viola op. 25 no. 1 (1922) - May Bardsley / Simon Rosier / Armen Nazarian, viola
Sonata for viola solo, op. 11 no. 5 (1919) - Luosha Fang, viola d’amore / Martijn Willers, piano
Small sonata for viola d’amore and piano, op. 25 no. 2 (1922) - Nobuko Imai, viola; Max Knigge, conductor; Viola 1 Francien Schatborn, José Nunes; Viola 2 Armen Nazarian, Lorenzo Titolo Duchini; Viola 3, Takehiro Konoe, Seamus Hickey; Viola 4 Marjolein Dispa, Carlos Delgado Antequera
Trauermusik for string orchestra with solo viola (1936), transcribed for viola orchestra and solo viola by Max Knigge
Saturday 27 November
12.00-15.30h Bernard Haitinkzaal - livestream
National Viola Competition Final
Finalists: Anuschka Cidlinsky, Giulia Wechsler, Sedna Heitzman
CvA wind ensemble, conducted by Bas Pollard
Ivet Serra I Ayno, Ana Isabel Fernandes Machado, flute; Olivia Belzuz Otero, Airán Fariña Hernández, Maria Pedano, Andrea MuñozQuintana, oboe; Alice Izabelle Herlihy, Nuria Tello Nieto, clarinet; Bernardo Correia Pereira, Neus Mínguez Nicolau, Ayleen Weber, saxophone; Ruben Hudnik, horn; Leonardo Nuñez Rodriguez, Anna Phylactou, Konstantin Simon, bassoon; Marcel Wheatley, timpani; Teresa Barros Pereira Romão da Conceição, harp
Hindemith - Der Schwanendreher (arr. Bas Pollard)
18.30-23.00h Splendor // Please note: this programme is postponed until 16 April 2022
Grande Finale Event and Concert
tickets for this event can be booked at Splendor
- 19.30-20.10h
Dutch Viola Society talkshow, with Lilli Maijala, Garth Knox, Louise Lansdown, Armen Nazarian - 20.30h big hall
Gabriel Ariza Ureta, violin ; Cecilia Merli, violin ; Arina Kuchmina, viola ; Krystina Kulchinska, cello
Minimax 'repertory for military music' (1923) for string quartet: movement 1, Armeemarsch 606, movement 2, Ouverture zu 'Wasserdichter 'Wasserdichter und Vogelbauer'
Garth Knox
'Knox’ Quartet for one'
Best performance of Leo Smit from round 2
Anuschka Pedano, viola 1; Ana Castro, viola 2; Ida Weidner, viola 3; Teresa da Silverio Caleiro, viola 4; Ruth Bosboom, viola 5; Sunniva Skaug, viola 6; Elisa Misas Santin, viola 7; Elin Haver, viola 8
Gordon Jacob - Suite for 8 violas
1 Pico maestoso
2 Scherzo and Drone
3 Chorale
4 Tarantella
Best performance of Telemann from round 1
Best performance of Bloch from round 2 - 21.30h
Garth Knox; Alkistis Misouli; Lilian Haug, drums; Pietro Elia Barcelona, bass
Free Impro Jam for all violists!
Bernard Haitinkzaal and Sweelinckzaal: Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Oosterdokskade 151, Amsterdam
Splendor: Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 116, Amsterdam
How to apply for the masterclasses
You can apply for the masterclasses by e-mailing your name, preferred teacher and date and piece you will play (if already known) to Clara Brons.
Young talent students can apply for the masterclass with Judith Wijzenbeek by e-mailing judith.wijzenbeek@ahk.nl.
For CvA students the masterclasses and the event at Splendor are free of charge. For participants outside the Conservatorium van Amsterdam the fee is € 40,-, to be paid in advance by bank transfer:
Conservatorium van Amsterdam
IBAN NL52RABO0309034426
Please mention your name, which masterclass(es) and date(s)).
Deadline for application: 31 October 2021
More information
Artistic leaders
Francien Schatborn
Marjolein Dispa