Jazz Entrance Exam

This applies to all principal subjects:

Candidates from non-EU countries

  • preselection by means of (a link to) a recording to be uploaded in the application form
  • the entrance exam will be held online. Below you will find more information on the exam format.

Candidates from the Netherlands and EU countries

  • preselection by means of (a link to) a recording to be uploaded in the application form
  • the entrance exam will be held at the CvA

Entrance Exam


During the entrance examination candidates will be tested for level of repertoire, technical skills, artistic abilities, development possibilities, ear tests and musical hearing. If one of these aspects is considered insufficient, the candidate will fail.


The examination result of the practical part is communicated to the candidate directly after the practical part. The result can be 'admissible to the principal subject' or 'rejected from the principal subject'. The board of directors (not the exam committee), will make the final decisions regarding the admissions. In addition to the results of the practical and theoretical exams (and for foreign candidates their command of the English language), the number of student places available per section will be taken into account. As soon as possible after the entrance exams the candidates will be informed if they will be admitted or not. During the summer holidays all admitted candidates will receive information on the start of the study year, the introduction day and the payment of the tuition fee.
