Shaun Gallagher: 'Situating embodied cognition in learning environments'
In this presentation I'll review different concepts of situated and embodied cognition andexplain some of the antecedent philosophical work related to these concepts. I'll focus on sources in the phenomenological and pragmatist traditions, especially Merleau‐Ponty and Dewey, and indicate how their work informs contemporary approaches to embodied cognition. I'll also indicate how general conceptions of embodied cognition and the role of environmentally attuned movement inform learning contexts, and I'll relate this to danceand music education.
Shaun Gallagher
Shaun Gallagher is the Lillian and Morrie Moss Professor of Excellence in Philosophy at the University of Memphis, and Professorial Fellow at the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts, University of Wollongong (AU). He is also Honorary Professor of Philosophy at Durham University (UK), and Honorary Professor of Health Sciences at Tromsø University (Norway). He’s held visiting positions at Cambridge, Lyon, Paris and Berlin, and he is currently a Humboldt Foundation Anneliese Maier Research Fellow (2012‐17). His publications include The Neurophenomenology of Awe and Wonder (2015); Phenomenology (Palgrave Macmillan 2012); The Phenomenological Mind (with Dan Zahavi, 2008; second edition 2012), Brainstorming (Imprint Academic, 2008); How the Body Shapes the Mind (Oxford, 2005); and as editor, the Oxford Handbook of the Self (Oxford, 2011). He’s editorin‐ chief of the journal Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
Download the powerpoint of the presentation here.