Composers' Festival Amsterdam 2013
May 16, 17 and 18
The Composers' Festival Amsterdam is a platform for graduating composition students of the CvA to present their best works, most of them being world premieres. This year the festival hosted over 35 pieces of new music, being performed by over 150 artists. The astonishing diversity of the concerts offered a great pallet of chamber music in various genres: vocal, instrumental, organ, electronic, microtonal, music-theater, video and sound installations, by composers Rens Tienstra, Mátyás Wettl, Bram Kortekaas, Kaja Draksler, Felipe Ignacio Noriega, Wilma Pistorius, Said Gani, Johanna Groot Bluemink, Igor Iofe, Chris Chamoun, Lucas Wiegerink, Emil Tan Erten, Kieran Klaassen, Warre Simons, and Brechtje van Dijk.
Photos: Thomas Lenden